Flee! To the Mammoth Canopy
On Flee! to the Mammoth Canopy, UK four-piece Orbit; Dear Beacon present the listener with a glimpse into a brooding environment full of sonic divergence and experimentation. In short, the debut release marks the culmination of several years' effort and tribulation as well as a prolonged hiatus. As is the case with many bands,however, Orbit; Dear Beacon return from the break stronger than before in regards to song-writing and overall savvy. This fact becomes immediately palpable on opening track "Etched on Trees, We're Infinite". Ambient waves of reverbed guitar are combined with soft yet billowing strings, ultimately giving way to a shallow cascade of drums and bass. Not until the second portion, or movement, if you will, does the band delve into the traditional crescendo-laden structure. The ebb and flow of the piece is driven by an unusually strong bassline that falls into the mix opposite short bursts of tremolo and flourishing guitar. At this point on the disc, the listener is increasingly aware of Orbit; Dear Beacon's excellent use of dynamics and variety; not unlike contemporary tremolo-superstars Mono or ADTMF, the contrasting moods of Flee!... are made stronger by the fact that the band crafts its more ambient passages with the same fervor and concern obviously present in the heavier moments. This trend continues in the subsequent and concluding track "Flee! to the Mammoth Canopy". While Orbit Dear; Beacon are a bit more restrained on the final piece, the band do demonstrate a slightly heavier edge, leaning more towards a metallic sound than previously. Nonetheless, the underlying theme of contrast is well-executed and leaves the listener on a positive note. Overall, Orbit; Dear Beacon have released a solid debut, introducing themselves into a music scene desperate for individuality and new ideas. If this release is any indication, the band may be poised to become a future bright spot in instrumental rock.
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